A contribution against quick fixes with consequences

by Marguerite Meyer

Do you know how Machine Translation is optimally put to work in a strategic way? If your answer is "kind of", you should continue to read. Within the last years, a vast landscape of translation platforms such as DeepL as well as subject-specific translation machines has grown – and more and more new types of language service providers as well as collaboration models are establishing themselves within the industry. It can be a challenge to keep an overview.

How to best proceed if you want to integrate Machine Translation into your language service? What kind of influence does Machine Translation have on your processes and which aspects do you necessarily need to consider?

If you are part of an organization or company and would like to get some orientation, we would love to let you know about the contribution by Patrizia Napoli to the edited volume to the BDÜ event series «Tag der Sprachendienste» ("Language Services Day"). In her article, the founder and CEO of Language Box argues for a structured and orderly integration of Machine Translation and explains the importance of a thought-through and well-planned use of the MT tools.

Aspects such as language combinations, text types, internal team roles and task profiles as well as external language providers – these are only some of the factors that are tackled in the article. Patrizia’s piece includes a concrete example as well as a checklist for smooth implementation of Machine Translation.

Interested? Order the edited volume here.

